Tuesday, May 26, 2015

iPads and Lauenburg

Lauenburg is...different. Dad was wrong, the city he mentioned in his email to me is indeed in our area, Lüneburg, or Lueneburg maybe in English, but I am in Lauenburg. Even smaller then Lüneburg. We are about 30 minutes from the last rapid transit train station in Hamburg...by car.

Yep, we have a car. That is how small Lauenburg is.

But there is a decent sized ward here, like 100 members or something, when they all come. But the bottom half of our area Never sees missionaries, because it is like 2.5 hours away by car, and we only
have 2000 kilometers a month, so we can't really make it down there.

This area, missionary work wise, is...dead. Yeah, there have actually been 2 or 3 baptisms in the last 2 or 3 years...but when I got here, there was a total teaching pool of 4...of which, 3 were less active
members. Ouch.

Also, in the last 6 weeks, the 2 programs in our district--us and Bergedorf, which is the east most  branch of Hamburg--have found a total of...4 new investigators. And 1 of those I found last week. Wow.

It was like this in Dresden too. Only 5 people were in the teaching pool there, and we had to work really hard for a long time to change that. But we did. And by the end, it was really picking up again.

And we are going to change Lauenburg. We already have made out appointments with 4 or 5 contacts from the phone and area book, a couple of which are really solid--if really far away. We also are going. To find new people, and baptize!! I baptized in my other 2 cities, ain't no one gunna tell me I can't do that here.

Also, notable towns in our area are:

..and I'm sure 2 or 3 others, but of those, Uelzen, Lüneburg, and Salzwedel are the biggest. Lauenburg is probably the smallest, except for Schwarzenbeck. Schnakenbek, apparently the source of weather
forecast for Lauenburg, is a village about 5 minutes northwest of us. Not too far off. But about 1/3 of the size.

Also, I found a cool street in Geesthacht, which I will now forward to you in an image:

Hamburg Zone receiving their iPads:

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