Monday, November 17, 2014

Success in Confusion

So, there is a strong possibility I may baptize someone this week.

I say possibility, cause we really don't know yet.

''Wait wait wait, Baptism? Those takes weeks to plan! And I thought you didnt have any real progressing investigators?''

Yep. All True.

Long story short, Pavlo, who met with the missionaries for years in Ukraine, wants to get baptized this week. We aren't sure if it will work yet. If it doesn't work this week, he will have to wait a few months, or get baptized in Hannover. If it works out, I will definitely tell you more details next week.

Either way, he is going to get baptized. A Miracle!!

And either way, an investigator I taught is going to get baptized, partly through my personal efforts.

That, is success.

Selfish maybe. But Success.

To illustrate my point, I am going to insert a section of my letter to a friend, that I am kind of using for my main theme this week:

''God's timing is perfect. Think about this, many people believe that the star that appeared at Christ's birth was a supernova, an exploding star. On AVERAGE, super novas appear at least a billion light years away from the earth. to get that star to appear on that specific night where Christ was born, on exactly that specific spot in the sky, that it would lead the wisemen to it, guess what? God created a star in a specific place, Billions of years ago, probably around 12 billion actually, and set it in motion, so that it would explode after about 10 billion years, more then a billion years before Christ was born--so basically before the Earth even needed to be created. Certainly several million years before Adam ever showed up.

And more then a billion years later, that light from that dead star shows up on earth, at the exact night, and I would be willing to bet the exact MOMENT when Christ, the most important person ever to come to the earth, is born. Wait wait wait...this light is more then a billion years old. The star more then 10 times as old. How did God work out THAT calculation?

It would seem fairly easy for him then, to determine when something is going to happen on earth. Whether it is something as little as waking up on time, or something as big as a baptism or mission call...He has got it all worked out.

That is pretty cool to me.''

Long story short, everything works out perfectly in the End.

I don't actually have much else to say this week...awkward. Last week I felt slightly inspiried, filled with the Holy Spirit, ready to cry repentance and spread forth the message of the Restoration. This week I am just hoping I can get everything done--though that everything does indeed include a baptism. Let's hope I can do this--lets hope the Lord wants this to happen.

Let us hope for the Will of the Lord to be done.

Elder Burton

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