Monday, September 15, 2014

Fast Days, Long Week, Lightning Months

Starting to notice a pattern?
Fast days, Long week, Lightning months,

So, first the bad News. A friend of ours, a man named Udo Aschenburner, died this last week. Sadly, I do not have any Pictures with him. He was a super nice man, and we believe he died of a heart attack. He gave me a couple really cool things, namely a mug and a pin, and I will miss him. He was awesome.

Good news: The letter from mom came through!! Oh, and I actually already received a package TODAY. I assume it is my birthday package, and it came through super super fast, but it is here. Weird. Fast. It works!

I don't have a package from Sam and Jason though...

Now, as Präsident Kosak says, the Laundry List:

~ I was actually told this week, twice, that my German has a Little bit of a Dutch Accent to it. Weird. It still sounds ''American,'' but like I learned it from someone from the Netherlands. Not sure where that came from, but its awesome that I am good enough already to have a recognizable Accent!! I think...

~ A man also spoke with us on a Train this week about the Book of Mormon, and he said: ''Darin zu lesen ist komisch, es fängt immer on mit: ''Und Es Begab sich.'' The Translation of what he said is actually, ''It is weird to read the Book of Mormon, it always starts with: And it came to pass.'' They have that same joke in German!! Priceless.

~ Elder Poch was actually a Little trunky this week. He wants to go home and get married. Poor sucker. Ill beat him up, and we will get back to work. Did you get in contact with his Family by the way? He gave his mom your number I believe...

~ It was also Comic-con this week in Kassel. Yep. With the women Walking around in almost nothing, and everything. Very distressing. I say way more Nintendo characters then I expected to actually, including Link, Zelda, Ganandorf, Bowser, Diddy Kong, and many others.

~ Do you remember that in the Revolutionary War, the English hired mercenaries from Germany to fight against the Americans? They were called the ''Hessians.''
AS you may recall, I am currently serving in HESSE. Connection?
The missionaries (Mom is pretty sure he means MERCENARIES.) that fought against the Americans were hired from a man in Germany, who at that time was Lord Wilhelm, LORD OF KASSEL. I am serving in the very City those mercenaries were hired from.

~ I have decided to start memorizing a lot of Psalms. They are all really cool, and really calm me down when I am stressed or worried. The Catch?? I want to do it in German. It is soooo hard, but so cool!!

''Und ob ich schon wanderte im finstern Tal,
fürchte ich kein Unglück.''
''And although I already wander in the dark Valley,
fear I no misfortune.''
or: ''And though I walk in the valley of death,
I fear no evil.''
So cool.

~ I also got to meet David A. Bednar this week.  How cool was that? AMAZING.
The Picture is on the Mission blog, you should look at it. I am near the middle, right behind all of the sisters. Nice Placement.

Something from my notes from that Meeting, by the way, is:
''You have to work not to Forget.''
''Repentance is about getting better all the time.''
''The Lord doesn't deal with Congregations. He deals with Ones.''
''Don't be objects, waiting to be acted upon. Be Agents, exercising your right to act.''

That's all I got this week...I gotta go. Out of time. Just so you know, I am not Holding anything back. This is how I feel. I don't know how better to express my emotions...When the Lord says, Take no though for yourself, he is right. I think about myself so Little, its hard to talk about myself...

Love you all, Thanks for all the Support!
Elder Burton

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