Monday, August 18, 2014

August 18 -- Life in Kassel and a Story to Share

Hey there Familie!

So I had a long week. Whoop-de-doo. So did the rest of the world. Something that I thought of this week while I was studying, however, was 'The Tale of Three Trees.' I don't now know the exact tale, but if mom could put it on the blog after this paragraph that would be great!!

(Mom put a link to the story under "Missionary Links" on the left)

Anyways. Thinking of this poem, folktale, whatever, made me wonder who I am, what I am becoming, and what on earth I'll be used for. I spent a lot of time reading my Patriarchal blessing, and the section on foreordination was very very helpful. I must always remember that I am here because I was called here by the Lord. Don't ever forget that.

Now, on to real life stuff.

Now, German stuff. They have what they call, Book Exchanges, here. They are awesome. It is just a little stand full of books on the street, and you bring your books and switch them out for different books you haven't read yet. Genius.

But why I am talking about it now is that we took some Book of Mormons to our book exchange, and in exchange, I got a German Math Book that was printed in 1890, and 2 little physics book, entitled 'The History of Physics' Part 1 and 2, that were printed in 1911. Pretty awesome, huh?

Also, inside the Math book, was a piece of paper, that was written by a member of the Nazi party, reminding another German citizen to do their duty and vote for Hitler. At the bottom, typed in big bold font, is the phrase, 'Heil Hitler!'

I will send some pictures next week, but it was pretty dang cool.

K, anyways, one thing about that root beer extract thing I mentioned, if it isn't tooooo expensive to ship it over, the members in our ward would be perfectly willing to pay me a little for every bottle to help with the shipping costs, so we might be able to work it out so that it ends up being a free care package for me. Who knows?

Its hard for me to really tell you much about the people we are teaching, cause I have only been to 1 appointment with any of them so far...but here is a few people I've met and taught:

John: He is only 11, and actually left for Hamburg yesterday, but he was really cool. His parents just finished going through a divorce, and he was staying with his cousins--the Albrecht family, my favorite family in the branch--while that was worked out. He decided to hear some of the lessons from the missionaries while he was here. Hopefully he decides to meet with the Elder in Hamburg, but I don't know. He was really cool though.

Aung: He is about 25, and is a professional piano player and musician for weddings and stuff. His family is from Burma, or Myanmar, and his father is Buddhist, but his mom is a convert. He is really cool, and really really intelligent. His English is better then my German actually, and it is his 4th language...anyways. He reads a lot in the Book of Mormon, but doesn't know if there is even a God yet, so is refusing to get baptized till he knows...silly silly Aung.

Eden: We actually just met and talked to her on a bus, but we are going to meet with her this week, and bring her a Book of Mormon in her mother tongue, Amharic. She is from Ethiopia, a born-again christian, but she seemed really interested. She actually approached us and asked us about what church we were from and stuff. It was really cool.

Some of the members I really love are Familie Albrecht, Familie Egly, and Familie Steffel. Sister Steffel is actually pregnant right now, about 1 month, so that made me think of Sam and stuff, which was fun to talk to her about...

There have been lots of other people, and we have lots of appointments this week...I am actually going to Hanover tonight, till Wednesday morning, for an exchange, so I get to see the big city! I'm pretty excited.

Thanks a bunch for the Sports update Sam, I really enjoyed it. I'M gunna miss football.

And hi Jeff. Glad to hear that you are doing good. If you think 'Padowan' is a weird thing to get called a lot, try remember getting called 'Greenie' all the time. Oh dear.

Mom, if you could actually send me an email version of the tale of three trees I'd love that as well too...I not sure why I thought of it, but it was cool.

Love you all, be safe! Don't let the busy busy schedules take fun out of life!

Oh yeah, I want to do this:
Scripture of the week: Job 37:14
Quote of the Week: 'There is always room for fun, even in missionary work.' -Pres. Kosak

Love, Thomas

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