Monday, February 23, 2015

Abraham, Naman and Joseph

In Mosiah 2 (or 3?), King Benjamin tells the people that they must serve others to receive blessings. He says that the rich who give to the poor will be particularly blessed. Then he says that the people who can't give, who don't have enough to help others, only enough to feed their families--he says that they will receive blessings because they would give if they could.

In relation to that, we had the opportunity to spend an hour getting to 3 very cool men from Syria this week. Refugees made homeless by the war, they are eager to return to Syria, but making the best of their time here. Their Names were Abraham, Joseph, and Naman. Very little German, no English, and absolutely no money. But they welcomed us in. They gave us a place to sit, talked to us, treated us as respected, honorable guests. They even asked if we would like some tea. We politely declined, explaining that we don't drink tea, so they asked if we would like some apple juice. We accepted.

What happened next is key--Naman and Joseph went into the other room--taking the only 4 cups they owned with them--and washed the cups, presumably so that we could drink. But no Apple Juice came. Naman came back into the room, and we sat down--on the floor, no chairs or even beds in this apartment, only 3 mattresses and a chess board--and we watched the restoration video together in arabic--on the small, portable dvd player we had brought along with us. As the video started, we noticed Joseph leaving the apartment, and we assumed that he had an appointment or something. But near the end of the video he return, and shortly afterwards we received the apple juice in the freshly washed and dried cups, one of which was slightly cracked, and very very well used.

It took me about 10 minutes to realize what had happened: Abraham was so pleased to see us drink that juice that I was actually confused at first. Joseph actually didn't drink anything--only 4 cups, and there were 5 men. But about 10 minutes into talking about Joseph Smith's vision, the thought hit me: ''Where did this juice come from? Where did Joseph Go? He just went and bought this juice, so that these men could offer hospitality to 2 complete strangers.'' As I considered this, the spirit rushed into my soul, and tears came to my eyes. I looked at these 3 men, so open, friendly, and loving, so far from home and poor and desolate, and felt possibly the most pure love that I had ever felt before. These men understood something. I can not yet describe it, for I do not yet fully understand it myself. But they did. And it led them to give everything they had and more to us, without even being able to understand everything we were trying to bring them, only that we had a very very special book in Arabic.

Comparing this experience to myself, the proud Elder Burton who assumed he would train again, that everything was working out for him because of his own skills and knowledge, who assumed that he was BETTER then other missionaries, much of me during this last transfer has been pride. But I won't take too long talking about my own problems, for that is a form of pride in and of itself.

To end the story, as stated, these 3 men, Abraham, Joseph and Naman, are very eager to return to Syria, to their families and friends, and to their culture--which, from my limited experience, is one of the best. That, unfortunately, means that it is too dangerous for us to teach them. But this experience, this great insight into a life without pride, helped show me what I need to change in my life. And It will definitely be something to work on for the next while.

Monday, February 16, 2015

I Love This Place!

So, first of all, there is a picture of me and my zone in Dresden on the mission blog right now, which means I can remain lazy and not send my own pictures--yes!!--and I even managed to be near the front on this one. Yay! 

Secondly, can I just say again how much I love Dresden? This week sucked, we had terrible numbers, our most promising investigators have serious problems--such as believing that we are satanic worshipers--and nothing seems to work out like planned. But you know what? It ain't bad.

Maybe it is just because I am confident that I am in the right place. Maybe I just am still in the Honeymoon phase. Maybe it is even because today the sun is shining and it is a balmy 8 degrees celsius. I really have no idea. But I love this place still.

I have been doing the new yoga-exercises mom send me, and although my back pops rather loudly whenever I get to the weird t-cross-leg-lift thing, I de believe they are helping. I am also now reading that book Lectures on Faith, and loving the cool insights and perspectives it gives. I am not sure how I find time to read, only about a page a day, but it is worth it anyways.

I am also still enjoying my time as a district leader, though I have yet to prepare for this weeks district meeting...although it--luckily--has been delayed to Thursday, due to a variety of reasons. Elder Gerhartz is still super-supportive and hard working, though the signs of trunkyness are coming through, and having the Zone Leaders in my District means that the only people I really need to keep an eye on are the Sisters--and you know how women are. Throw an inspirational Scripture and a ''I know how you feel'' their direction every few days and you are the best district leader they have ever had. (Jkjkjk, I try my best to help them. Most of the time.)

I am still missing several things and people, and may have had the MOST unromantic, unloved Valentine’s day of my existence--a long time if you think about it--but still looking forward to another 16 months in Germany!! Or in other terms...roughly 500 days...12,000 hours...720,000 minutes...or 43,200,000 seconds. Only the blink of an eye, really. ...please don’t ask how long it took to that figure that out...and, as Elder Gerhartz just pointed out, he only has 8 days, 192 Hours, 11,500 minutes, or 691,200 seconds. Thank you Elder Gerhartz.
Most of that will be spend sleeping anyways. ;)

Anyways. Nothing incredibly new today. Shout out, however, to 3 of my most fabulous friends ever, Shelsey Brinkerhoff, April Erickson, and Abbie Forsyth, who got their mission calls to Alpine-German Speaking, Virginia Richmond, and Little Rock Arkansas--Sign Language respectively. Congratulations, my fabulous friends.

I hope that everyone has a great week!!
Elder Burton

Monday, February 2, 2015

Light of Truth

Not sure how long this week's email is going to be. I have been really slow at writing emails today, and am still pretty distracted.

I was really sorry to hear about the recent death of a friend, and send my love and prayers to his family and our mutual friends. He was and is a truly great guy, as measured by the impact of his life on the lives of those around him. I can only imagine that his great smile is adding to the light of truth and love that shines beyond the veil. God be with you till we meet again.

For we shall meet. I have spent the last week studying the scriptures with a special emphasis on one thing: The Glory of God. Intelligence. Or in other words, light, and truth.

And in the end, it all come back to Intelligence, to what we know, who we are, what we learn, who we teach, how we convey this knowledge, how we use, why we use it, what we do about the consequences of our action, eternal progression!!

I have heard--but can not verify--that there is a statue at the Army Academy in Colorado of an Eagle. The caption of this work of art is supposed to state:
''Man's flight through life is sustained by the power of his knowledge.'' Please correct me if that is not true,

But one of my favorite speakers, Elder Hugh B. Brown, spoke of this, applying this same principle to the eternities.

Abraham beheld the intelligences that were organized before the world was. He also beheld that God was more intelligent then they all. And what made God more intelligent? Why, as Elder Brown stated, is the difference between man and God so great, if only in Degree rather then kind.

Understanding. Knowledge. Experience. Light, and Truth. Glorious, glorious Truth.

And, if we would fulfill the measure of our creation, and obtain all that the father hath, and be true joint heirs with the Christ, how do we obtain this added intelligence, this glorious truth? By abiding by the teachings, commandments, precepts and council of an all knowing, ever present father God.

 ''For intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence; wisdom recieveth wisdom; truth embraceth truth; virtue loveth virtue; light cleaveth unto light; mercy hath compassion on mercy and claimeth her own; justice continueth its course and claimeth its own; judgment goeth before the face of him who siteth upon the throne and governeth and executeth all things.'' (D&C 88:40)

I have heard that the true smile, one of joy and excitement and love, glows from one's countenance. That a certain LIGHT comes from those who are truly at peace. So when I say that our friend's smile is adding to the light beyond the veil, I do not mean to say that in a simple, pointless manner. Rather, I mean to say that is is assisting in spreading the gospel truths.

And How could we believe otherwise? We learn from modern day revelation that the work of the Lord, the work and Glory of our Eternal Father continues beyond this life, into the next, and into the eternities. And how can we expect otherwise? For he is indeed an Eternal God, the same yesterday, today, and forever, and his son, Christ, has proven to us, that death is no obstacle, that the grave has no victory.

Death is merely a temporary condition. The bite, the cold, the sting of death has been done away with. The chains of slumber have been shattered, and the condition which many refer to as the end is merely another step. A small change in our makeup. And if death means that we are changing, not God, for God cannot change, then He still loves us, even after the tragedy that ends our time on earth, and that must come to every man and woman who inhabits a tabernacle of clay.

So the work of the Lord shall--must--continue beyond the wispy veil of death. And our dear friend is now a part of this eternal work. His smile, his knowledge, his intelligence does not end here. His impact and influence on the lives of others does not end here, nor there. For matter can not be created or destroyed, and spirit is indeed matter, only cleaner, and finer then anything the human, natural man can perceive.

Any principle of intelligence that we obtain in this life shall continue with us into the next! And we shall continue to have to the opportunity to share this intelligence for all eternity, with our children, who shall be numbered as the sands of the sea, and the stars in the firmament.

I am sad today. I do not deny it. But I know, that I will see him again. Until then, I seek intelligence. I seek the knowledge, the words of eternity, the Bread of Life.

For in the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God. And we were with God. And we, you, me, were intelligent. Like unto God.

Like unto God.